Hysteretic behavior and evidence for domain formation in a double-layer quantum Hall system at total filling factor 2
Hysteretic behavior at the collapse of the metal-insulator transition in BaVS$_3$
Hysteretic behavior in weakly coupled double-dot transport in the spin blockade regime
Hysteretic behavior of a polymer molecule immersed in an incompatible melt
Hysteretic behavior of the vortex lattice at the onset of the second peak for HgBa$_2$CuO$_{4+δ}$ superconductor
Hysteretic characteristics of a double stripline in the critical state
Hysteretic creep of elastic manifolds
Hysteretic current-voltage characteristics and resistance switching at an epitaxial oxide Schottky junction SrRuO$_{3}$/SrTi$_{0.99}$Nb$_{0.01}$O$_{3}$
Hysteretic current-voltage characteristics and resistance switching at a rectifying Ti/Pr$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$MnO$_{3}$ interface
Hysteretic depinning and dynamical melting for magnetically interacting vortices in disordered layered superconductors
Hysteretic Depinning of Anisotropic CDW
Hysteretic dynamics of domain walls at finite temperatures
Hysteretic giant magnetoimpedance effect analyzed by first-order reversal curves
Hysteretic jumps in the response of layered superconductors to electromagnetic fields
Hysteretic magnetic pinning and reversible resistance switching in High-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers
Hysteretic magnetoresistance and thermal bistability in a magnetic two-dimensional hole system
Hysteretic magnetoresistance in polymeric diodes
Hysteretic magnetotransport in p-type AlGaAs heterostructures with In/Zn/Au ohmic contacts
Hysteretic memory effects in disordered magnets
Hysteretic Optimization