Gallium self-interstitial relaxation in Gallium Arsenide: an {ab initio} characterization
Gallium Substituted "114" YBaFe4O7: From a ferrimagnetic cluster glass to a cationic disordered spin glass
Gallium vacancy and the residual acceptor in undoped GaSb studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy and photoluminescence
Galois Conjugates of Topological Phases
Galvanic coupling of flux qubits: simple theory and tunability
Galvanomagnetic effects in graphene
Galvanomagnetic properties and noise in a barely metallic film of V2O3
Game Theory and Topological Phase Transition
Gamma phonons and microscopic structure of orthorhombic KNbO3 from first-principles calculations
Gamma radiation exposure of MCT diode arrays
Gamma Ray Astrophysics and Early Results of the Compton Observatory
Gamma scattering scanning of concrete block for detection of voids
gamma-Mn at the border between weak and strong correlations
Gamma-ray bursts from superconducting cosmic strings at large redshifts
Gamma-Ray Detection and Surface Analysis on a Palladium Electrode in a DC Glow-Like Discharge Experiment
Gamma5 quasiparticles and avoided quantum criticality in U(Ru,Rh)2Si2
GaMnAs grown on (311) GaAs substrates: modified Mn incorporation and new magnetic anisotropies
GaMnAs-based hybrid multiferroic memory device
GaMnAs-based magnetic tunnel junctions with an AlMnAs barrier
GaMnAs: layers, wires and dots