Dynamics of the Fisher Information Metric
Dynamics of the Formation of Bright Solitary Waves of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices
Dynamics of the frustrated Ising lattice gas
Dynamics of the Hubbard model: a general approach by time dependent variational principle
Dynamics of the hysteretic voltage-induced torsional strain in tantalum trisulfide
Dynamics of the Inductive Single-Electron Transistor
Dynamics of the inhomogeneous Dicke model
Dynamics of the Ising Spin-Glass Model in a Transverse Field
Dynamics of the Langevin model subjected to colored noise: Functional-integral method
Dynamics of the Local Moment Induced by Nonmagnetic Defects in Cuprates
Dynamics of the magnetic and structural a -> e phase transition in Iron
Dynamics of the magnetic flux penetration into type II superconductors
Dynamics of the Magnetic Flux Trapped in Fractal Clusters of a Normal Phase in Percolative Superconductors
Dynamics of the magnetic flux trapped in fractal clusters of normal phase in a superconductor
Dynamics of the Magnetic Susceptibility Deep in the Coulomb Phase of the Dipolar Spin Ice Material Ho2Ti2O7
Dynamics of the maximum marginal likelihood hyper-parameter estimation in image restoration : gradient descent vs. EM algorithm
Dynamics of the Measurement of Nuclear Spins in a Solid-State Quantum Computer
Dynamics of the Minority Game for Patients
Dynamics of the molecular orientation field coupled to ions in two-dimensional ferroelectric liquid crystals
Dynamics of the one-dimensional random transverse Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions