Current-voltage characteristics in donor-acceptor systems: Implications of a spatially varying electric field
Current-voltage characteristics of a graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor
Current-voltage characteristics of a tunnel junction with resonant centers
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Graphane p-n Junctions
Current-voltage characteristics of graphene devices: interplay between Zener-Klein tunneling and defects
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Long-Channel Nanobundle Thin-Film Transistors: A Bottom-up Perspective
Current-voltage Characteristics of Molecular Conductors: Two versus Three Terminal
Current-voltage characteristics of NdFeAsO0.85F0.15 and NdFeAsO0.85 superconductors
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes
Current-voltage characteristics of quasi-one-dimensional superconductors: An S-curve in the constant voltage regime
Current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor-coupled superconducting weak links with large electrode separations
Current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor/ferromagnet junctions in the spin blockade regime
Current-voltage characteristics of the two-dimensional XY model with Monte Carlo dynamics
Current-voltage correlations in interferometers
Current-Voltage Curves for Molecular Junctions Computed Using All-Electron Basis Sets
Current-voltage curves for molecular junctions: the effect of substituents
Current-voltage relation for superconducting d-wave junctions
Current-Voltage Relations in d-wave Josephson Junctions: Effects of Midgap Interface States
Current-voltage scaling of a Josephson-junction array at irrational frustration
Current-voltage scaling of chiral and gauge-glass models of two-dimensional superconductors