Current-induced vortex dynamics in Josephson-junction arrays: Imaging experiments and model simulations
Current-induced Vortex Motion by Spin-Transfer Torque
Current-induced vortex-vortex switching in a nanopillar comprising two Co nano-rings
Current-Noise Spectroscopy with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Current-oscillator correlation and Fano factor spectrum of quantum shuttle with finite bias voltage and temperature
Current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance of a spin valve using Co2MnSi Heusler alloy electrodes
Current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance of a domain wall confined in a nano-oxide-layer
Current-Phase Relation and Josephson Inductance of Superconducting Cooper Pair Transistor
Current-phase relation in Josephson junction coupled with a magnetic dot
Current-Phase Relation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Flowing Through a Weak Link
Current-phase relation of graphene Josephson junctions
Current-phase relation of the SNS junction in a superconducting loop
Current-phase Relationship, Thermal and Quantum Phase Slips in Superconducting Nanowires made on Scaffold Created using Adhesive Tape
Current-pulse-induced magnetic switching in standard and nonstandard spin-valves
Current-spin-density functional study of persistent currents in quantum rings
Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of armchair graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial strain
Current-voltage characteristic and stability in resonant-tunneling n-doped semiconductor superlattices
Current-voltage characteristic of narrow superconducting wires: bifurcation phenomena
Current-voltage characteristic, stability, and self-sustained current oscillations in resonant-tunneling n-doped semiconductor superlattices
Current-voltage characteristics and the zero-resistance state in a 2DEG