Ballistic transport and electrostatics in metallic carbon nanotubes
Ballistic transport at room temperature in micrometer size multigraphene
Ballistic transport in AlAs two-dimensional electrons
Ballistic transport in classical and quantum integrable systems
Ballistic transport in disordered graphene
Ballistic transport in ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet trilayers with arbitrary orientation of magnetizations
Ballistic transport in graphene beyond linear response
Ballistic transport in induced one-dimensional hole systems
Ballistic transport in one-dimensional loops with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
Ballistic transport in random magnetic fields with anisotropic long-ranged correlations
Ballistic Transport in Superconducting Weak Links in a Microwave Field
Ballistic transport is dissipative: the why and how
Ballistic transport properties across nonuniform strain barriers in graphene
Ballistic Transport Through Chaotic Cavities: Can Parametric Correlations and the Weak Localization Peak be Described by a Brownian Motion Model?
Ballistic transport through coupled T-shaped quantum wires
Ballistic transport, chiral anomaly and emergence of the neutral electron - hole plasma in graphene
Ballistic transport: A view from the quantum theory of motion
Ballistic versus diffusive magnetoresistance of a magnetic point contact
Ballistic vs Diffusive Transport in Current-Induced Magnetization Switching
Ballistic, diffusive, and localized transport in surface-disordered systems: Two-mode waveguide