Zitterbewegung, chirality, and minimal conductivity in graphene
Zone-resolved photoelectronic scoping of the local bonding and electronic dynamics at the graphite skin with and without atomic vacancy and the associated graphene edge states
Z_2 topological invariant and solutions of the Dirac equation
`Deterministic' quantum plasmonics
`Spin-Spin' Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Spin-Orbit Interaction
`Tight Binding' methods in quantum transport through molecules and small devices: From the coherent to the decoherent description
``Bare'' Effective Mass in Finite Sized $ν= 1/2$ Systems
``X-Ray Edge'' Singularities in Nanotubes and Quantum Wires with Multiple Subbands
π junction transition in InAs self-assembled quantum dot coupled with SQUID