What is measured in the scanning gate microscopy of a quantum point contact?
What is novel in quantum transport for mesoscopics?
What lurks below the last plateau: Experimental studies of the 0.7 x 2e^2/h conductance anomaly in one-dimensional systems
What quantity is measured in an excess noise experiment?
When it comes to spintronics, there may be some room in the middle
Where are the edge-states near the quantum point contacts? A self-consistent approach
Where is the Shot Noise of a Quantum Point Contact?
Which Kubo formula gives the exact conductance of a mesoscopic disordered system?
Which nanowire couples better electrically to a metal contact: armchair or zigzag nanotube?
Which phase is measured in the mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm interferometer?
Which tunnel faster across a quantum Hall strip: fractional charges or electrons?
Whispering gallery modes in open quantum billiards
Why a magnetized quantum wire can act as an active laser medium
Why Dirac points in graphene are where they are?
Why does a metal-superconductor junction have a resistance?
Why graphene conductivity is constant: scaling theory consideration
Wide range electrical tunability of single photon emission from chromium-based colour centres in diamond
Wide-band capacitance measurement on a semiconductor double quantum dot for studying tunneling dynamics
Wide-band detection of the third moment of shot noise by a hysteretic Josephson junction
Widely tunable, non-degenerate three-wave mixing microwave device operating near the quantum limit