Vibrational features in inelastic electron tunneling spectra
Vibrational inelastic scattering effects in molecular electronics
Vibrational Instabilities in Resonant Electron Transport through Single-Molecule Junctions
Vibrational Instability due to Coherent Tunneling of Electrons
Vibrational modes and low-temperature thermal properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes: A minimal force-constant model
Vibrational properties of sp carbon atomic wires in cluster-assembled carbon films
Vibrational sidebands and dissipative tunneling in molecular transistors
Vibrational Tamm states at the edges of graphene nanoribbons
Vibrationally induced flip motion of a hydroxyl dimer on Cu(110)
Vibrationally Induced Two-Level Systems in Single-Molecule Junctions
Vibrationally Mediated Control of Single Electron Transmission in Weakly Coupled Molecule-Metal Junctions
Vibrations of weakly-coupled nanoparticles
Vibron-polaron critical localization in a finite size molecular nanowire
Vibronic effects on resonant electron conduction through single molecule junctions
Vibronic spectroscopy of an artificial molecule
Violation of Bell's inequality in electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometers
Violation of classical electrodynamics by composite fermions in the quantum Hall effect
Violation of general Friedel sum rule in mesoscopic systems
Violation of Kirchhoff's Laws for a Coherent RC Circuit
Violation of non-interacting $\cal V$-representability of the exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for a two-electron quantum dot in a homogeneous magnetic field