Two-electron lateral quantum-dot molecules in a magnetic field
Two-Electron Linear Intersubband Light Absorption in a Biased Quantum Well
Two-Electron Photon Emission From Metallic Quantum Wells
Two-Electron Quantum Dot in Magnetic Field: Analytical Results
Two-electron quantum dot molecule: Composite particles and the spin phase diagram
Two-Impurity Anderson-Kondo Model: first order Impurity-correlation
Two-Impurity Kondo Effect in Double-Quantum-Dot Systems - Effect of Interdot Kinetic Exchange Coupling
Two-junction superconductor-normal metal single-electron trap in a combined on-chip RC environment
Two-loop approximation in the Coulomb blockade problem
Two-Parameter Scaling Law of the Anderson Transition
Two-particle Aharonov-Bohm effect and Entanglement in the electronic Hanbury Brown Twiss setup
Two-Particle Dark State in the Transport through a Triple Quantum Dot
Two-particle non-local Aharonov-Bohm effect from two single-particle emitters
Two-particle scattering matrix of two interacting mesoscopic conductors
Two-phase stretching of molecular chains
Two-phonon assisted exciton spin relaxation due to exchange interaction in spherical quantum dots
Two-phonon polaron resonances in self-assembled quantum dots
Two-phonon scattering of magnetorotons in fractional quantum Hall liquids
Two-photon coherent polarization flipping of confined excitons
Two-photon Induced Hot Electron Transfer to a Single Molecule in a Scanning Tunneling Microscope