Oscillatory and Vanishing Resistance States in Microwave Irradiated 2D Electron Systems
Oscillatory behavior and enhancement of the surface plasmon linewidth in embedded noble metal nanoparticles
Oscillatory behavior of a superradiating system coupled to electron reservoirs
Oscillatory crossover from two dimensional to three dimensional topological insulators
Oscillatory Curie temperature of two-dimensional ferromagnets
Oscillatory Energy Exchange Between Waves Coupled by a Dynamic Artificial Crystal
Oscillatory exchange bias and training effects in nanocrystalline Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3
Oscillatory Magneto-Thermopower and Resonant Phonon Drag in a High-Mobility 2D Electron Gas
Oscillatory Size-Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Linewidth in Metallic Nanoparticles
Oscillatory Spin Polarization and Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect in Fe3O4 Thin Films on GaAs(001)
Oscillatory spin relaxation rates in quantum dots
Oscillatory Thickness Dependence of the Coercive Field in Magnetic 3D Anti-Dot Arrays
Out of equilibrium statistical ensembles for mesoscopic rings coupled to reservoirs
Out of equilibrium transport through an Anderson impurity: Probing scaling laws within the equation of motion approach
Out-of-Equilibrium Admittance of Single Electron Box Under Strong Coulomb Blockade
Out-of-equilibrium Anderson model at high and low bias voltages
Out-of-equilibrium Kondo effect in Double Quantum Dots
Out-of-equilibrium singlet-triplet Kondo effect in a single C_60 quantum dot
Out-of-equilibrium transport in a typical multi-terminal setup
Out-of-plane equilibrium spin current in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas under in-plane magnetic field