Optical response of finite-length carbon nanotubes
Optical response of graphene under intense terahertz fields
Optical Response of Grating-Coupler-Induced Intersubband Resonances: The Role of Wood's Anomalies
Optical response of two-dimensional few-electron concentric double quantum rings: A local-spin-density-functional theory study
Optical selection rules in topological insulators Bi$_2$Sb$_3$, Bi$_2$Se$_3$, Bi$_2$Te$_3$ and Sb$_2$Te$_3$
Optical selection rules of graphene nanoribbons
Optical Signatures of Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects in a Parabolic Quantum Dot
Optical spectra of a quantum dot in a microcavity in the nonlinear regime
Optical spectra of quantum dots: effects of non-adiabaticity
Optical Spectra of the Jaynes-Cummings Ladder
Optical spin transfer in ferromagnetic semiconductors
Optical Stark Effect and Dressed Excitonic States in a Mn-doped Quantum Dot
Optical Study of GaAs quantum dots embedded into AlGaAs nanowires
Optical transition in self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum lens under high hydrostatic pressure
Optical transitions between Landau levels: AA-stacked bilayer graphene
Optical transparency of graphene as determined by the fine-structure constant
Optical tuning and ultrafast dynamics of high-temperature superconducting terahertz metamaterials
Optically and electrically controlled polariton spin transistor
Optically Detected Magnetophonon Resonances in Polar Semiconductors
Optically engineering the topological properties of a spin Hall insulator