Onset of an Insulating Zero-Plateau Quantum Hall State in Graphene
Onset of Decoherence in Open Quantum Systems
Onset of Interlayer Phase Coherence in a Bilayer Two-Dimensional Electron System: Effect of Layer Density Imbalance
Onset voltage shift due to non-zero Landau ground state level in coherent magnetotransport
Open source FCI code for quantum dots and effective interactions
Opening an energy gap in an electron double layer system at integer filling factor in a tilted magnetic field
Operating a phase-locked loop controlling a high-Q tuning fork sensor for scanning force microscopy
Operating a quantum pump in a closed circuit
Operating molecular transistors as heat pumps
Operation of a Bloch oscillator
Operation of a phase qubit as a quantum switch
Operation of Quantum Cellular Automaton cells with more than two electrons
Operator-Algebraic Approach to the Yrast Spectrum of Weakly Interacting Trapped Bosons
Opportunities and limitations of transition voltage spectroscopy: a theoretical analysis
Opportunities for mesoscopics in thermometry and refrigeration: Physics and applications
Opposite spin accumulations on the transverse edges by the confining potential
Optical $Λ$ transitions and quantum computing in the $^{15}$N-V$^{-}$ Center in Diamond
Optical absorbtion by atomically doped carbon nanotubes
Optical absorption in quantum dots: Coupling to longitudinal optical phonons treated exactly
Optical absorption in semiconductor quantum dots: Nonlocal effects