One-Dimensional Alignment of Nanoparticles Via Magnetic Sorting
One-dimensional ballistic transport with FLAPW Wannier functions
One-dimensional continuum and exciton states in quantum wires
One-Dimensional Energy Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Resonant Electron Scattering
One-Dimensional Flows in the Quantum Hall System
One-Dimensional Hole Gas in Germanium/Silicon Nanowire Heterostructures
One-dimensional optical lattices and impenetrable bosons
One-Dimensional Organometallic V-Anthracene Wire and Its B-N Analogue: Efficient Half-Metallic Spin Filters
One-dimensional pattern of Au nanodots by ion-beam-sputtering: formation and mechanism
One-dimensional plasmons confined in bilayer graphene p-n junctions
One-dimensional semirelativity for electrons in carbon nanotubes
One-dimensional surface states on a striped Ag thin film with stacking fault arrays
One-Dimensional Theory of the Quantum Hall System
One-dimensional transport in bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes
One-dimensional Weak Localization of Electrons in a Single InAs Nanowire
One-dimensional ZnO exciton polaritons with negligible thermal broadening at room temperature
One-loop omega-potential of quantum fields with ellipsoid constant-energy surface dispersion law
One-particle density matrix and momentum distribution function of one-dimensional anyon gases
One-step multi-qubit GHZ state generation in a circuit QED system
Onset and dynamics of vortex-antivortex pairs in polariton OPO superfluids