On the quantization accuracy of the acoustoelectric current
On the Quantum Hall Effect in graphene
On the radiative lifetime of free-moving two-dimensional excitons
On the Relation between Interband Scattering and the "Metallic Phase" of Two Dimensional Holes in GaAs/AlGaAs
On the relationship between the noise-induced persistent current and dephasing rate
On the Relevance of Disorder for Dirac Fermions with Imaginary Vector Potential
On the response of composite fermions to weak electrostatic potentials
On the RKKY range function of a one dimensional non interacting electron gas
On the role of electron correlation and disorder on persistent currents in isolated one-dimensional rings
On the role of electron-phonon interaction in the resistance anisotropy of two-dimensional electrons in GaAs heterostructures
On the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction in graphene
On the scaling approach to electron-electron interactions in a chaotic quantum dot
On the second harmonic generation in superlattices
On the self-similarity in quantum Hall systems
On the shape of vortices for a rotating Bose Einstein condensate
On the shot-noise limit of a thermal current
On the spectroscopy of quantum dots in microcavities
On the Stability and Structural Dynamics of Metal Nanowires
On the statistical significance of the conductance quantization
On the statistics of quantum transfer of non-interacting fermions in multi-terminal junctions