Multistability of cavity exciton-polaritons affected by the thermally generated exciton reservoir
Multistable transport regimes and conformational changes in molecular quantum dots
Multisubband transport and magnetic deflection of Fermi electron trajectories in three terminal junctions and rings
Multiterminal counting statistics
Multiterminal single-molecule--graphene-nanoribbon thermoelectric devices with gate-voltage tunable figure of merit ZT
Multitudes of Stable States in a Periodically Driven Electron-Nuclear Spin System in a Quantum Dot
Multiwalled carbon nanotube: Luttinger liquid or not?
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Building Blocks in Nanoelectronics
Muon spin rotation studies of spin dynamics at avoided level crossings in LiY0.998Ho0.002F4
Mutation of Andreev into Majorana bound states in long NS and SNS junctions
Mutual Composite Fermion and composite Boson approaches to balanced and imbalanced bilayer quantum Hall system: an electronic analogy of the Helium 4 system
Mutual composite fermions in double layer quantum Hall system
Mutual Coupling of two Semiconductor Quantum Dots via an Optical Nanocavity Mode