Multiple Andreev Reflection and Giant Excess Noise in Diffusive Superconductor/Normal-Metal/Superconductor Junctions
Multiple Andreev reflection in single atom niobium junctions
Multiple Andreev Reflections in a Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot
Multiple Andreev reflections in a quantum dot coupled to superconductors: Effects of spin-orbit coupling
Multiple Andreev reflections in hybrid multiterminal junctions
Multiple Avalanches Across the Metal-Insulator Transition of Vanadium Oxide Nano-scaled Junctions
Multiple Cotunneling in Large Quantum Dot Arrays
Multiple Coupling of Topological Coherent Modes of Trapped Atoms
Multiple crossovers in interacting quantum wires
Multiple Edge Partition Functions For Fractional Quantum Hall States
Multiple gaps in quantum Hall effect including review of prl 1998-2001 papers
Multiple layer local oxidation for fabricating semiconductor nanostructures
Multiple magnetic barriers in graphene
Multiple Nuclear Polarization States in a Double Quantum Dot
Multiple Phases with the Same Quantized Hall Conductance in a Two-Subband System
Multiple photoexcitation of two-dimensional electron systems: bichromatic magnetoresistance oscillations revisited
Multiple quantum phases in artificial double-dot molecules
Multiple scattering of classical waves: from microscopy to mesoscopy and diffusion
Multiple Scattering of Fractionally-Charged Quasiparticles
Multiple Scattering Theory for Two-dimensional Electron Gases in the Presence of Spin-Orbit Coupling