Magnetic anisotropies of quantum dots
Magnetic anisotropy and spin-spiral wave in V, Cr and Mn atomic chains on Cu(001) surface: First principles calculations
Magnetic anisotropy at nanoscale
Magnetic Anisotropy in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
Magnetic Anisotropy in the Molecular Complex V15
Magnetic anisotropy in thin films of Prussian blue analogues
Magnetic Anisotropy of a Single Cobalt Nanoparticle
Magnetic anisotropy of elongated thin ferromagnetic nano-islands for artifical spin ice arrays
Magnetic Anisotropy Variations and Non-Equilibrium Tunneling in a Cobalt Nanoparticle
Magnetic artificial atoms based on thin-film ferrite disk particles
Magnetic Avalanches in Molecular Nanomagnets
Magnetic barrier induced conductance fluctuations in quantum wires
Magnetic barriers in graphene nanoribbons
Magnetic behavior of nanoparticles in patterned thin films
Magnetic Behavior of Single La$_{0.67}$Ca$_{0.33}$MnO$_3$ Nanotubes: Surface and Shape Effects
Magnetic bit stability: Competition between domain-wall and monodomain switching
Magnetic breakdown in a normal-metal - superconductor proximity sandwich
Magnetic breakdown of cyclotron orbits in systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
Magnetic Brightening of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence through Symmetry Breaking
Magnetic confinement of massless Dirac fermions in graphene