Low-temperature, high-resolution magnetic force microscopy using a quartz tuning fork
Low-temperature, in situ tunable, uniaxial stress measurements in semiconductors using a piezoelectric actuator
Low-velocity anisotropic Dirac fermions on the side surface of topological insulators
Lower bound for electron spin entanglement from beamsplitter current correlations
Lower limit on the achievable temperature in resonator-based sideband cooling
Lowest-Landau-level theory of the quantum Hall effect: the Fermi-liquid-like state
Luminescence decay dynamics of germanium nanocrystals in silicon
Luminescence Spectra of a Quantum-Dot Cascade Laser
Luminescence Spectra of Quantum Dots in Microcavities. I. Bosons
Luminescence Spectra of Quantum Dots in Microcavities. II. Fermions
Luttinger Liquid at the Edge of a Graphene Vacuum
Luttinger Liquid Behavior in Carbon Nanotubes
Luttinger liquid behavior in tunneling through a quantum dot at zero magnetic field
Luttinger liquid in superlattice structures: atomic gases, quantum dots and the classical Ising chain
Luttinger Parameter g for Metallic Carbon Nanotubes and Related Systems
Luttinger revisted-the renormalization group approach