Kondo Shuttling in Nanoelectromechanical Single-Electron Transistor
Kondo temperature and screening extension in a double dot system
Kondo temperature for a quantum dot in an Aharanov-Bohm ring
Kondo Temperature for the Two-Channel Kondo Models of Tunneling Centers
Kondo temperature of a quantum dot
Kondo-Dicke resonances in electronic transport through triple quantum dots
Kondo-Enhanced Andreev Tunneling in InAs Nanowire Quantum Dots
Kondo-excitons and Auger processes in self-assembled quantum dots
Kondo-resonance, Coulomb blockade, and Andreev transport through a quantum dot
Kondo-temperature dependence of the Kondo splitting in a single-electron transistor
Kondo-type transport through an interacting quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads
Koshino-Taylor effect in graphene
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in disordered two-dimensional topological insulators
Kramers barrier crossing as a cooling machine
Kramers problem for nonequilibrium current-induced chemical reactions
Kramers-Kronig relation of graphene conductivity
Kronecker products of projective representations of translation groups
Kronig-Penney model on bilayer graphene: spectrum and transmission periodic in the strength of the barriers
Kubo formula for Floquet states and photoconductivity oscillations in a 2D electron gas