Josephson Current through a Semiconductor Nanowire: effect of strong spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting
Josephson current transport through a Quantum Dot in an Aharonov-Bohm Ring
Josephson Currents Coupled by a Bilayer Exciton Condensate
Josephson decoupling phase in inhomoheneous arrays of superconducting quantum dots
Josephson effect between superconducting nanograins with discrete energy levels
Josephson effect for SU(4) carbon nanotube quantum dots
Josephson Effect in a Coulomb-blockaded SINIS Junction
Josephson effect in ballistic graphene
Josephson effect in Graphene SNS Junction with a Single Localized Defect
Josephson effect in mesoscopic graphene strips with finite width
Josephson effect in S$_{\rm F}$XS$_{\rm F}$ junctions
Josephson effect through a multilevel dot near a singlet-triplet transition
Josephson effect through an anisotropic magnetic molecule
Josephson Effect through an isotropic magnetic molecule
Josephson Effect Without Superconductivity: Realization in Quantum Hall Bilayers
Josephson Frequency Singularity in the Noise of Normal Metal-Superconductor Junctions
Josephson junction detector of non-Gaussian noise
Josephson junction transmission lines as tunable artificial crystals
Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum interference devices made by local oxidation of niobium ultrathin films
Josephson junctions as detectors for non-Gaussian noise