Is the quantum dot at large bias a weak-coupling problem?
Is there a d.c. Josephson Effect in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems?
Is there Ballistic Conductance Quantization in Real Life Metals Nanocontacts?
Is weak temperature dependence of electron dephasing possible?
Ising Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in Magnetically Doped Quantum Wells
Isolated hybrid normal/superconducting ring in a magnetic flux: from persistent current to Josephson current
Isolated resonances in conductance fluctuations in ballistic billiards
Isolated resonances in conductance fluctuations in ballistic billiards
Isospectral But Physically Distinct: Modular Symmetries and their Implications for Carbon Nanotori
Isospin Blockade in Transport through Vertical Double Quantum Dots
Isospin of topological defects in Dirac systems
Isospin phases of vertically coupled double quantum rings under the influence of perpendicular magnetic fields
Isotope sensitive measurement of the hole-nuclear spin interaction in quantum dots
Isotopically engineered silicon/silicon-germanium nanostructures as basic elements for a nuclear spin quantum computer
Issues pertaining to D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation in quantum wire channels
Iterative real-time path integral approach to nonequilibrium quantum transport
Iterative summation of path integrals for nonequilibrium molecular quantum transport
Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetism in the Quantum Hall Regime
Itinerant Nature of Atom-Magnetization Excitation by Tunneling Electrons