Gauge field for edge state in graphene
Gauge Field Formulation of Adiabatic Spin Torques
Gauge field theory approach to spin transport in a 2D electron gas
Gauge fields and interferometry in folded graphene
Gauge fields in graphene
Gauge Fields, Geometric Phases, and Quantum Adiabatic Pumps
Gauge Fields, Mode Mixing and Local Density of States in a Quantum Point Contact
Gauge fields, quantized fluxes and monopole confinement of the honeycomb lattice
Gauge fields, ripples and wrinkles in graphene layers
Gauge Invariance and the Critical Properties of Quantum Hall Plateaux Transitions
Gauge symmetry breaking and topological quantization for the Pauli Hamiltonian
Gauge Theory of Composite Fermions: Particle-Flux Separation in Quantum Hall Systems
Gauging a quantum heat bath with dissipative Landau-Zener transitions
Gaussian potentials facilitate access to quantum Hall states in rotating Bose gases
Ge/Si nanowire mesoscopic Josephson junctions
General considerations of the electrostatic boundary conditions in oxide heterostructures
General Green's function formalism for transport calculations with spd-Hamiltonians and giant magnetoresistance in Co and Ni based magnetic multilayers
General Relationship Between the Entanglement Spectrum and the Edge State Spectrum of Topological Quantum States
General Theory of the Zitterbewegung
General transport properties of superconducting quantum point contacts: a Green functions approach