Green's function for magnetically incoherent interacting electrons in one dimension
Green's function for metamaterial superlens: Evanescent wave in the image
Green's Function Method for Line Defects and Gapless Modes in Topological Insulators : Beyond Semiclassical Approach
Green's Function of Anyons in Calogero Model and Quantum Hydrodynamics
Green's function technique for a two-electrode mesoscopic system under bias
Green's function technique for studying electron flow in 2D mesoscopic samples
Green's functions for solving differential equations, in non-boundary value problems in near-field optics and in quantum transport through point contacts
Green's functions on finite lattices and their connection to the infinite lattice limit
Green-function method for calculation of adsorption of organic molecules on noble metal nanoparticles
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger generation protocol for N superconducting transmon qubits capacitively coupled to a quantum bus
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States in Quantum Dot Molecule
Griffiths phase in the thermal quantum Hall effect
Groebli solution for three magnetic vortices
Ground state and dynamics of the biased dissipative two-state system: Beyond variational polaron theory
Ground state and edge excitations of quantum Hall liquid at filling factor 2/3
Ground State and Excitations of Quantum Dots with "Magnetic Impurities"
Ground state and far-infrared absorption of two-electron rings in a magnetic field
Ground state and optical conductivity of interacting polarons in a quantum dot
Ground state cooling of mechanical resonators
Ground state correlations in a trapped quasi one-dimensional Bose Gas