Graphene-based photonic crystal
Graphene-based polaritonic crystal
Graphene-based resonant-tunneling strucures
Graphene-based spin-pumping transistor
Graphene-like massless Dirac fermions in Harper systems
Graphene-like metallic-on-silicon field effect transistor
Graphene-protein bioelectronic devices with wavelength-dependent photoresponse
Graphene: A Pseudochiral Fermi Liquid
Graphene: A sub-nanometer trans-electrode membrane
Graphene: carbon in two dimensions
Graphene: new bridge between condensed matter physics and quantum electrodynamics
Graphene: Status and Prospects
Graphical prediction of quantum interference-induced transmission nodes in functionalized organic molecules
Graphite from the viewpoint of Landau level spectroscopy: An effective graphene bilayer and monolayer
Graphyne: hexagonal network of carbon with versatile Dirac cone
Grassmannian Fields and Doubly Enhanced Skyrmions in Bilayer Quantum Hall system at $ν=2$
Gravitational Anomalies and Thermal Hall effect in Topological Insulators
Green function techniques in the treatment of quantum transport at the molecular scale
Green functions of electrons in monolayer and bilayer graphene in a magnetic field
Green's function approach to transport through a gate-all-around Si nanowire under impurity scattering