Fabry-Perot interference and spin filtering in carbon nanotubes
Fabry-Perot interference, Kondo effect and Coulomb blockade in carbon nanotubes
Fabry-Perot Interferometry with Fractional Charges
Facile fabrication of lateral nanowire wrap-gate devices with improved performance
Facile fabrication of suspended as-grown carbon nanotube devices
Factorial cumulants reveal interactions in counting statistics
Factorization of quantum charge transport for non-interacting fermions
Factors influencing the distribution of charge in polar nanocrystals
Failure of protection of Majorana based qubits against decoherence
Failure of standard approximations of the exchange coupling in nanostructures
Failure of the displaced-squeezed state for spin-boson models in the thermodynamic limit
Failure of the local density approximation in time-dependent spin density functional theory
Failure of the Wiedemann-Franz Law in Mesoscopic Conductors
Fano and Dicke effects and spin polarization in a double Rashba-ring system side coupled to a quantum wire
Fano and Kondo resonance in electronic current through nanodevices
Fano effect and Kondo effect in quantum dots formed in strongly coupled quantum wells
Fano effect and nonuniversal phase lapses in mesoscopic regime of transport
Fano effect in a Josephson junction with a quantum dot
Fano effect in a ring-dot system with tunable coupling
Fano Effect through Parallel-coupled Double Coulomb Islands