Decay of Quasi-Particle in a Quantum Dot: the role of Energy Resolution
Decay of Rabi oscillations by dipolar-coupled dynamical spin environments
Decay of Rabi oscillations induced by magnetic dipole interactions in diluted paramagnetic solids
Decay of spin polarized hot carrier current in a quasi one-dimensional spin valve structure
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of a quantum wire Wannier exciton in a planar microcavity
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of superradiant exciton in a cylindrical quantum wire
Decay Rate Distributions of Disordered Slabs and Application to Random Lasers
Decay rate of a Wannier exciton in low dimensional systems
Decay Rate Statistics of Unstable Classically Chaotic Systems
Decoherence and 1/f noise in Josephson qubits
Decoherence and Dephasing in Kondo Tunneling through Double Quantum Dots
Decoherence and dephasing in multilevel systems interacting with thermal environment
Decoherence and dephasing in spin-based solid state quantum computers
Decoherence and dynamical decoupling control of nitrogen-vacancy center electron spins in nuclear spin baths
Decoherence and Full Counting Statistics in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Decoherence and gate performance of coupled solid state qubits
Decoherence and interactions in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Decoherence and Quantum Fluctuations
Decoherence and Quantum Measurement of Josephson-Junction Qubits
Decoherence and relaxation of single electron excitations in quantum Hall edge channels