Bound and resonance electron states in the monolayer graphene with the short-range impurities
Bound electron states in the monolayer graphene with short-range impurities
Bound spin-excitons in two-dimensional electron gas
Bound states and magnetic field-induced valley splitting in gate-tunable graphene quantum dots
Bound states and persistent currents in topological insulator rings
Bound states and transmission antiresonances in parabolically confined cross structures: influence of weak magnetic fields
Bound states in a 2D short range potential induced by spin-orbit interaction
Bound States in a Quantized Hall Ferromagnet
Bound states in ab initio approaches to quantum transport: A time-dependent formulation
Bound states in Andreev billiards with soft walls
Bound States in Graphene
Bound states in inhomogeneous magnetic field in graphene: a semiclassical approach
Bound states in the continuum in graphene quantum dot structures
Bound states in the continuum in open Aharonov-Bohm rings
Bound States in the Continuum in Two-Dimensional Serial Structures
Bound States in Time-Dependent Quantum Transport: Oscillations and Memory Effects in Current and Density
Bound states of L-shaped or T-shaped quantum wires in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
Boundaries of Subcritical Coulomb Impurity Region in Gapped Graphene
Boundary and impurity effects on entanglement of Heisenberg chains
Boundary conditions at the mobility edge