Bipolar High Field Excitations in Co/Cu/Co Nanopillars
Bipolar single-wall carbon nanotube field-effect transistor
Bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule
Bipolar supercurrent in graphene
Bipolar thermoelectric effect in a srially coupled quantum dot system
Bipolar Transistor Based on Graphane
Bistability and Hysteresis of Intersubband Absorption in Strongly Interacting Electrons on Liquid Helium
Bistability and nonequilibrium transitions in the optically polarized system of cavity polaritons under nanosecond-long resonant excitation
Bistability and oscillatory motion of natural nano-membranes appearing within monolayer graphene on silicon dioxide
Bistability in superconducting rings containing an inhomogeneous Josephson junction
Bistability of the Nuclear Polarisation created through optical pumping in InGaAs Quantum Dots
Bistability phenomena in 1D polariton wires
Bistability, softening, and quenching of magnetic moments in Ni-filled carbon nanotubes
Bistable hysteresis and resistance switching in hydrogen gold junctions
Bistable non-volatile elastic membrane memcapacitor exhibiting chaotic behavior
Bistable optical system based on hysteresis in the reflectivity of grapheneon- Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3
Bistable Spin Currents from Quantum Dots Embedded in a Microcavity
Bistable states of quantum dot array junctions for high-density memory
BKT phase transition in a 2d system with long range dipole-dipole interaction
Black Holes and Wormholes in spinor polariton condensates