Finite and p-adic polylogarithms
Finite arithmetic subgroups of GL_n
Finite automata and relations of multiple zeta values
Finite descent obstructions and rational points on curves
Finite dimensional Nichols algebras over finite cycle groups
Finite Euler products and the Riemann Hypothesis
Finite field models in additive combinatorics
Finite flat commutative group schemes over complete discrete valuation fields: classification, structural results; application to reduction of Abelian varieties
Finite flat models of constant group schemes of rank two
Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms
Finite modules over non-semisimple group rings
Finite orbits for rational functions
Finite p-Irregular Subgroups of PGL(2,k)
Finite Trigonometric Character Sums Via Discrete Fourier Analysis
Finite, closed-form expressions for the partition function and for Euler, Bernoulli, and Stirling numbers
Finitely ramified iterated extensions
Finiteness for Arithmetic Fewnomial Systems
Finiteness of commutable maps of bounded degree
Finiteness of minimal modular symbols for SL(n)
Finiteness of p-Divisible Sets of Multiple Harmonic Sums