The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in inhomogeneous plasmas
The magnetic field of solar prominences
The magnitude equations between the fundamental coordinate systems N30, FK3, FK4
The mass spectrum of the white dwarfs in cataclysmic binaries - Supplementary computations
The maximum mass of a cold neutron star
The morphology of reversed spectral-line bisectors
The motion of meteor swarms near commensurabilities with Jupiter
The motion of the Magellanic clouds, origin of the Magellanic Stream, and the mass of the Milky Way
The N-body problem in general relativity
The nature of solar 160-min oscillations
The nature of solar brightness oscillations
The Neumann solution of the multiple scattering problem in a plane-parallel medium - Numerical calculations and the half-space problem
The non-linear evolution of magnetic flux ropes: 3. effects of dissipation
The numerical analysis of the rotational theory for the formation of lunar globules
The numerical calculation of a thermonuclear explosion of a star's degenerate carbon core
The numerical evaluation of Eckert's lunar ephemeris
The Numerical Generalized Least-Squares Estimator of an Unknown Constant Mean of Random Field
The optical emission from oscillating white dwarf radiative shock waves
The origin and evolution of short-period Miras in the solar neighborhood: Constraints on the life cycle of old stars
The origin of rigidly rotating magnetic field patterns on the sun