On the accuracy of the Debye shielding
On the Anomalous Diffusion in Nonisothermal plasma
On the anomalous Doppler/inner Lindblad resonance
On the anomalous extreme ultraviolet emission lines in helium-hydrogen plasma
On the antenna calibration of space radio instruments using the galactic background: General formulas and application to STEREO/WAVES
On the Anti-critical Temperature for Spacecraft Charging
On the anticritical temperature for spacecraft charging
On the applicability of Sato's equation to capacitative radio frequency sheaths
On the application of Maxwell's theory to many-body systems, or why the resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations are not closed
On the asymptotic growth of the solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system
On the Attraction of Matter by the Ponderomotive Miller Force
On the beam speed and wavenumber of intense electron plasma waves near the foreshock edge
On the behavior of O+5 in coronal holes: Importance of sunward propagating waves
On the Bernstein modes generation in solar post-flare loops
On the breaking of a plasma wave in a thermal plasma: I. The structure of the density singularity
On the breaking of a plasma wave in a thermal plasma: II. Electromagnetic wave interaction with the breaking plasma wave
On the calculation of equilibrium thermodynamic properties and the establishment of statistical-thermodynamically-consistent finite bound-state partition functions in nonideal multi-component plasma mixtures within the chemical model
On the cascade process of Alfvén waves in the fast solar wind
On the Causes of Plasmoid Acceleration and the Change of Magnetic Reconnection Rate in a Resistive MHD Simulation
On the change in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions upon using an ab initio multiphase DT equation of state