A 1972 prediction of Uranian rings based on the Alfven critical velocity effect
A 2.5-D electron Hall-MHD analytical model of steady state Hall magnetic reconnection in a compressible plasma
A 2.5-dimensional MHD Alfvén-wave-driven solar wind model
A 2.5-dimensional MHD parametric study of interplanetary shock interactions with the heliospheric current sheet/heliospheric plasma sheet
A 2D Numerical Study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Boundary Layers around Unmagnetized Planets
A 3-Dimensional Study of Bursty-Bulk Flows in LFM-RCM-MIX
A 3D Self-consistent Solar Model from the Chromosphere to 1AU
A brief review of closures for MHD turbulence
A Bright Spatially-Coherent Compact X-ray Synchrotron Source
A case study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the inner magnetosphere
A case study of EMIC wave-associated He+ energization in the outer magnetosphere: Cluster and Double Star 1 observations
A Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observed with the Fermi-Gamma-ray Burst Monitor: The First Sixteen Months of Operation
A catastrophe model for fast magnetic reconnection onset
A chain of magnetic flux ropes in the magnetotail of Mars
A class of exact two-dimensional kinetic current sheet equilibria
A closed set of conservation laws and the evolution of the electron magnetic moment in the collisionless solar wind
A Cluster measurement of fast magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail
A collisional kinetic model of the polar wind
A comet-like escape of ionospheric plasma from Mars
A comment on `Wave-breaking Limits for relativistic electrostatic waves in a one-dimensional warm plasma' Phys. Plasmas 13 123102 by R. M. G. M. Trines and P. A. Norreys