F Region Ion and Electron Temperatures at Jicamarca: Results and Theory Including the Effects of Coulomb Collisions
Fabrication and characterization of soft x-ray beamsplitters
Fabrication and test of x-ray optics
Fabrication of Astrophysically Relevant Targets for Use on Inertial Confinement Fusion Machines
Fabrication of Embedded Spheres in Resorcinol Formaldehyde Aerogel for Astrophysical Jet Experiments on OMEGA
FACETS - a Framework for Parallel Coupling of Fusion Components
Fair space weather for solar cycle 24
Far tail (255 RE) fast response to very weak magnetic activity
Far-field imaging of Raman and Brillouin backscatter from large toroidal gas-filled Nova hohlraums
Fast 2D magnetic reconnection: relating anomalous resistivity and two-fluid MHD models
Fast Acceleration of ``Killer'' Electrons and Energetic Ions by Interplanetary Shock Stimulated ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
Fast and slow nonlinear tearing mode reconnection
Fast Calculations in Nonlinear Collective Models of Beam/Plasma Physics
Fast Collisionless Reconnection in Electron-Positron Plasmas
Fast earthward plasma flows observed in the mid/distant tail under quiet conditions: Relation to substorms
Fast evolving spatial structure of auroral parallel electric fields
Fast growing double tearing modes in a tokamak plasma
Fast growing instabilities for non-parallel flows
Fast ignition of fusion targets by laser-driven electrons
Fast ignition of inertial fusion targets by laser-driven carbon beams