q-Yang-Mills-Vlasov system
QSAT: The Satellite for Polar Plasma Observation
Quadratic corrections to the metaplectic formulation of resonant mode conversion
Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX
Quantification of the precipitation loss of radiation belt electrons observed by SAMPEX
Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX (Invited)
Quantification of the spreading effect of auroral proton precipitation
Quantifying Stellar Energy Feedback
Quantifying the spatio-temporal characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence seen in HINODE/SOT images of solar prominences
Quantitative estimates of magnetic field reconnection properties from electric and magnetic field measurements
Quantitative estimates of the slab and 2-D power in solar wind turbulence using multispacecraft data
Quantitative measurements of vaporization, burst ionization, and emission characteristics of shaped charge barium releases
Quantitative measures of chaotic particle dynamics in the magnetotail
Quantitative modeling of modulated ion injections observed by Polar-Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment in the cusp region
Quantitative test of the cavity resonance explanation of plasmaspheric Pi2 frequencies
Quantum and classical dynamics of Langmuir wave packets
Quantum chaos theory and the spectrum of ideal-MHD instabilities in toroidal plasmas
Quantum chaos? Genericity and nongenericity in the MHD spectrum of nonaxisymmetric toroidal plasmas
Quantum corrected electron holes
Quantum corrections and bound-state effects in the energy relaxation of hot dense Hydrogen