IBEX Heliospheric neutral atom energy spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV
ICF Ablator Physics Experiments on Saturn and Nova
ICF program
ICF Targets with Joints and Gaps
ICPP: Auroral Acceleration in Astrophysical Plasmas
ICPP: Charge and Density Coupling in Nonideal Plasmas
ICPP: Collisionless shock and supernova remnant simulation experiments on VULCAN.
ICPP: Introduction to Dusty Plasma Physics
ICPP: Photoionization and magnetized winds: collimated stellar outflows
Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Low Beta Compact Toroid Injection into a Hot Strongly Magnetized Plasma
Ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of unmagnetized dense plasma jet injection into a hot strongly magnetized plasma
Ideal Magnetohydrodynamical Simulations of Magnetic Bubble Expansion as a Model for Extragalactic Radio Lobes
Ideal MHD fluids
Ideal MHD simulations of laboratory and astrophysical magnetic bubble expansion as a model for extragalactic radio lobes.
Ideal MHD theory of low-frequency Alfven waves in the H-1 Heliac
Idealized Slab Plasma approach for the study of Warm Dense Matter
Identification of Field Line Resonances in the Magnetosphere Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (superdarn): New ``CROSS-POWER and Cross-Phase Technique
Identification of high energy ions using backscattered particles in laser-driven ion acceleration with cluster-gas targets
Identification of Local Alfven Wave Resonances with Reflectometry as a Diagnostic Tool in Tokamaks
Identification of low-frequency magnetosheath waves