S bursts and the Jupiter ionospheric Alfvén resonator
Saffman-Taylor streamers: mutual finger interaction in an electric breakdown
SALAMMBO: A three-dimensional simulation of the proton radiation belt
Sandpiles and complexity in fusion, space, and astrophysical plasmas
Satellite observations of Magnetospheric Line Radiation
Satellite Observations of Separator Line Geometry of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
Saturation effects in the VLF-triggered emission process
Saturation mechanism of the Weibel instability in weakly magnetized plasmas
Saturation mechanisms of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the inner magnetosphere
Saturn Chorus Drift Frequency Compared To Nonlinear Theory
Saturn's magnetosphere interaction with Titan for T5 encounter: 3D hybrid modeling. First results
Saturn's magnetosphere: An example of dynamic planetary systems
Saturn's outer magnetosphere
Saturn's Periodic Magnetosphere: our Deepest Mystery so far? (Invited)
Saturn's ULF Foreshock Boundary: Cassini Observations
Saturn-Ring Simulation Experiment
Sawtooth Stabilization by Beam Ions.^1
Scale-Dependent Alignment of Velocity and Magnetic Fluctuations in Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
Scale-dependent angle of alignment between velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in solar wind turbulence
Scale-free statistics of spatiotemporal auroral emissions as depicted by POLAR UVI images: Dynamic magnetosphere is an avalanching system