Backward Raman compression of x-rays in metals and warm dense matters
Ball Lightning and Plasma Cohesion
Barotropic Magnetohydrodynamics as a Four Function Field Theory with Non-Trivial Topology and Aharonov-Bohm Effects
Bars and open spirals in density wave theory
Baryon loading and the Weibel instability in GRBs
Basic physical mechanism of reconnection development and magnetic loop dynamics
Basic properties of anisotropic stellar wind expansion in the fluid approach
Bastille Day Flare Multi-Spectral Characterization of Radio Emission Polarization from Milliseconds to Minutes Time Scale
BATSRUS with Anisotropic Ion Pressure
BATSRUS with Hall MHD and anisotropic pressure
Bayesian modelling of fusion diagnostics
BBGKY Dynamics: from Localization to Pattern Formation
Beam arc distributions of shuttle pickup ions and their instabilities
Beam Instabilities in Magnetized Pair Plasma
Beam stability in strongly magnetized pair plasmas. Part 1
Beam-induced electron modulations observed during TSS 1R
Beam-plasma dielectric tensor with Mathematica
Beam-plasma discharge and the boundary effects
Beam-Plasma Interaction and Associated Ion Heating
Beam-plasma interaction in randomly inhomogeneous plasmas and statistical properties of small-amplitude Langmuir waves in the solar wind and electron foreshock