Wake field generation and nonlinear evolution in a magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma
Wakefield generation in magnetized plasmas
Walén and slow-mode shock analyses in the near-Earth magnetotail in connection with a substorm onset on 27 August 2001
Warm plasma effects on electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave MeV electron interactions in the magnetosphere
Warm protons at geosynchronous orbit
Water bath calorimetric study of excess heat generation in 'resonant transfer' plasmas
Water temperature constraint on Sonoluminescence
Wave acceleration of auroral electrons
Wave activity above the ionosphere of Titan: Predictions for the Cassini mission
Wave activity in Europa's wake: Implications for ion pickup
Wave activity in the mass-loading process
Wave breaking and particle jets in intense inhomogeneous charged beams
Wave generation and magnetic field amplification in astrophysical shocks
Wave heating and acceleration of solar wind ions by cyclotron resonance
Wave heating of <formula>He+ by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the magnetosphere: Heating near the <formula>H+-He+ bi-ion resonance frequency
Wave instabilities of a collisionless plasma in fluid approximation
Wave Interactions and Fluid Flows
Wave interactions in magnetohydrodynamics, and cosmic-ray-modified shocks
Wave Localization and Density Bunching in Pair Ion Plasmas
Wave mixing and instabilities in cosmic-ray-modified shocks and flows