Correlator measurements of megahertz wave-particle interactions during electron beam operations on STS 46
Cosmic electron gradients in the inner heliosphere
Cosmic linear accelerators
Cosmic Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Cosmic ray acceleration by stellar winds and self-confinement in giant HII regions
Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds
Cosmic ray diffusion tensor throughout the heliosphere
Cosmic ray effect on magnetization of a relativistic foreshock in an unmagetized and weakly magnetized plasmas
Cosmic Ray Propagation in Anisotropic Interstellar Turbulence
Cosmic ray solar semidiurnal anisotropy 1. Treatment of experimental data
Cosmic ray solar semidiurnal anisotropy 2. Heliospheric relationships of anisotropy parameters
Cosmic ray spectrum and plasma turbulence
Cosmic ray transport and acceleration
Cosmic Rays During the Most-Recent Sunspot Minimum
Cosmic rays in the atmosphere: North-south asymmetry
Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy
Cosmic rays transport across the wavy current sheet in the global distant heliosheath
Cosmic-Ray Origin Problem - General Review
Cosmic-ray particle transport in weakly turbulent plasmas. 2. Mean free path of cosmic-ray protons.
Cosmic-ray particle transport in weakly turbulent plasmas. I. Theory.