X-ray spectroscopy with the ANS and HEAO-B satellites
X-ray study of a SODART flight telescope using the expanded beam x-ray optics beamline at the Daresbury synchrotron
X-ray study of a test quadrant of the SODART telescopes using the expanded beam x-ray optics facility at the Daresbury synchrotron
X-ray study of W/Si multilayers for the HEFT hard x-ray telescope
X-ray telescope based on polycapillary optics
X-ray telescope design and technology: what the future holds
X-ray telescope mirrors - Materials, manufacture, tolerance and metrology
X-Ray Telescope Onboard Astro-E. II. Ground-Based X-Ray Characterization
X-ray telescope onboard Astro-E. III. Guidelines to performance improvements and optimization of the ray-tracing simulator
X-Ray Telescope Onboard Astro-E: Optical Design and Fabrication of Thin Foil Mirrors
X-ray telescopes aboard Phobos-I and Coronas
X-ray telescopes for the ESA XMM spacecraft
X-ray test facilities at Max-Planck-Institut Garching
X-ray test facility for diffraction gratings
X-ray testing Constellation-X optics at MSFC's 100-m facility
X-ray tests and calibrations of the ABRIXAS mirror systems
X-ray thin foil filters at cryogenic temperatures.
X-ray/EUV multilayers - Promise and pitfalls
X-ray/EUV/FUV calibration of photographic films for solar research
X-wave mediated instability of plane waves in Kerr media