T-matrix calculation via discrete-dipole approximation, point matching and exploiting symmetry
T.D.S. spectroscopic databank for spherical tops: DOS version
Table-top synchrotron
Tables of the mean lifetimes for excited electronic-vibro-rotational states of isotopomers of diatomic hydrogen
Tachyons, Lamb shifts and superluminal chaos
Tailored quantum dots for entangled photon pair creation
Tailoring Metallodielectric Structures for Super Resolution and Superguiding Applications in the Visible and Near IR Ranges
Tailoring of the luminescent ions local environment in optical fibers, and applications
Tailoring the excitation of localized surface plasmon-polariton resonances by focusing radially-polarized beams
Tailoring the local density of states of non-radiative field at the surface of nanolayered materials
Tailoring THz radiation by controlling tunnel photoionization events in gases
Tailoring wave nonlinearity through spatial composites
Takagi-Taupin Description of X-ray Dynamical Diffraction from Diffractive Optics with Large Numerical Aperture
Take your students on a live space mission to the Moon
Taking a Closer Look at Massive Stars: A High Angular Resolution Survey of Cygnus OB2
Taking adaptive optics to the limit to image extrasolar planets.
Taking the vector vortex coronagraph to the next level for ground- and space-based exoplanet imaging instruments: review of technology developments in the USA, Japan, and Europe
Talbot effect for dispersion in linear optical fibers and a wavelet approach
Talbot effect in cylindrical waveguides
Tales of an M.S. Program: Still Going After 60 Years