2-D Kinematics of Galactic Nuclei: From TIGER to OASIS
2-d Microcavities: Theory and Experiments
2-micron Adaptive Optics Images of Titan from the W.M. Keck Telescope
2-micron images of Titan by means of adaptive optics.
2-MV electrostatic quadrupole injector for heavy-ion fusion
2-um space LIDAR for water vapor and wind measurements
2.1 um CW Raman Laser in GeO2 Fiber
2.5-Gb/s free-space optics link over 1.1 km with direct fiber coupling to commercial devices
20 and 30 m telescope designs with potential for subsequent incorporation into a track-mounted pair (20/20 or 30/30).
20 W and 50 W guidestar laser system update for the Keck I and Gemini South telescopes
20 W and 50 W solid-state sodium beacon guidestar laser systems for the Keck I and Gemini South Telescopes
2001 Mars Odyssey science mission overview
2001 Mars Odyssey: Science Mission Overview
2001 Mars Odyssey: Science Mission Overview
21-element infrared adaptive optics system at 2.16-m telescope
21st century telescope
220 fs Er-Yb:glass laser mode-locked by a broadband low-loss Si/Ge saturable absorber
225-GHz atmospheric opacity of the South Pole sky derived from continual radiometric measurements of the sky-brightness temperature
25 kHz narrow spectral bandwidth of a wavelength tunable diode laser with a short waveguide-based external cavity
25-m Live Optics Telescope