OASIS at the WHT
Obituary: Dipak Basu (1939-2011)
Obituary: Horace Welcome Babcock, 1912-2003
Obituary: James C. Kemp, 1927-1988
Obituary: Jesse Greenstein, 1909-2002
Obituary: Leon Van Speybroeck, 1935-2002
Obituary: Richard B. Dunn, 1927-2005
Obituary: Robert E. Fried, 1930-2003
Obituary: Russell Makidon (1971-2009)
Obituary: Walter G. Egan, 1923-2003
Object reconstruction from photon-limited centroided data of randomly translating images
Object reconstruction with intensity correlations - Signal-to-noise ratio calculation
Object-independent point spread function and wavefront phase estimation
Object-oriented software design for the Mt. Wilson 100-inch Hooker telescope adaptive optics system
Objective algorithms for the retrieval of optical depths from ground-based measurements
Objective assessment of image quality. IV. Application to adaptive optics
Objective crystal spectrometer (OXS) for imaging extended cosmic X-ray sources
Objective Crystal Spectrometer on the SRG satellite
Oblique frozen modes in periodic layered media
Oblique-incidence excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on small metal wires