n -Hindle-Sphere Arrangement with an Exact Ray Trace for Testing Hyperboloid Convex Mirrors
Na variability and LGS elongation: impact on wavefront error
NACO and PUEO-GriF Investigating Small Scale Structures and Velocity Fields in OMC1
NACO performance: status after 2 years of operation
Nadir and Limb Viewing Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
Nadir observations of sprites from the International Space Station
NAHUAL: a near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph for the GTC optimized for studies of ultracool dwarfs
Nano plasmon polariton modes of a wedge cross section metal waveguide
Nano-lens diffraction around a single heated nano particle
Nano-particle characterization by using Exposure Time Dependent Spectrum and scattering in the near field methods: how to get fast dynamics with low-speed CCD camera
Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation
Nanobeam Photonic Crystal Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes
Nanobeam photonic crystal cavity quantum dot laser
Nanoconcentration of Terahertz Radiation in Plasmonic Waveguides
Nanoengineered ferrofluid deformable mirrors: a progress report
Nanoengineering of a Negative-Index Binary-Staircase Lens for the Optics Regime
Nanofabricated media with negative permeability at visible frequencies
Nanofibers with Bragg gratings from equidistant holes
Nanolasers grown on silicon
Nanometric laser trapping based on nanostructured substrates