A "Dragon" on the Surface of Titan
A "Planet Finder" instrument for the VLT
A 1 GHz bandwidth acousto-optical spectrometer for airborne submillimetre astronomy
A 1 W injection locked cw titanium:sapphire laser
A 1.3 giga pixels focal plane for GAIA
A 100 mW monolithic Yb waveguide laser fabricated using the femtosecond laser direct-write technique
A 10m telescope for submillimetre astronomy
A 12.5 GHz-Spaced Optical Frequency Comb Spanning >400 nm for near-Infrared Astronomical Spectrograph Calibration
A 150 micron heterodyne spectrometer for airborne astronomy
A 16-m Telescope for the Advanced Technology Large Aperture Telescope (ATLAST) Mission
A 180 deg rotation shearing interferometer with increased optical efficiency
A 2 THz Heterodyne Array Receiver for SOFIA
A 2-m robotic telescope project
A 2-m robotic telescope project
A 2.3 GHz radio continuum map of the southern sky
A 203mm-diameter Wright camera
A 25 Gb/s Silicon Photonics Platform
A 3-5 Micron Camera for Extrasolar Planet Searches
A 30 meter Cassegrain telescope with spherical optics
A 30-cm objective grating for far-UV astronomy: theoretical study and laboratory tests