Zeeman slowing of thulium atoms
Zeeman-Doppler imaging of active stars. 3: Instrumental and technical considerations
Zelenchukskaya telescope
Zenith polarization and color ratio during twilight
Zenith sky brightness and airglow emissions during the equatorial solar eclipse of 30 June 1973
Zeno dynamics in wave-packet diffraction spreading
Zeno effect and switching of solitons in nonlinear couplers
Zeolite-dye micro lasers
Zernike decomposition of anisoplanatism for laser beacons and natural guide stars
Zernike modal compensation analysis for an adaptive optics system using direct-gradient wavefront reconstruction algorithm
Zernike modal wavefront reconstruction error of a Shack-Hartmann sensor in atmosphere turbulence: theory and experiment
Zernike polynomials and atmospheric turbulence
Zernike test. 2: Experimental aspects
Zernike test. I - Analytical aspects. II - Experimental aspects
Zernike-polynomial expansion of turbulence-induced centroid anisoplanatism
Zero permeability and zero permittivity band gaps in 1D metamaterial photonic crystals
Zero-coma condition for decentered and tilted secondary mirror in Cassegrain/Nasmyth configuration
Zero-dispersion Wavelength Mapping in Short Single-Mode Optical Fibers Using Parametric Amplification
Zero-refraction in natural materials and the mechanism of metal superlens
Zettawatt-Exawatt Lasers and Their Applications in Ultrastrong-Field Physics: High Energy Front