LIGA fabrication of high-aspect-ratio lobster-eye optics
LIGA for lobster: First observation of lobster-eye focusing from lithographically produced optics
LIGA for lobster?
Light absorption in the atmosphere and on a planet's surface with multiple scattering and reflection
Light and lightened mirrors for astronomy
Light bullets and optical collapse in vacuum
Light bullets by synthetic diffraction-dispersion matching
Light Bullets in Nonlinear Periodically Curved Waveguide Arrays
Light bullets in optical tandems
Light deflection and polarisation rotation in gravitational fields
Light Distribution Near Focus in an Error-Free Diffraction Image
Light driven structuring of glasses
Light dynamics in glass-vanadium dioxide nanocomposite waveguides with thermal nonlinearity
Light emission from CCDs
Light Filaments Without Self Guiding
Light localization in nonuniformly randomized lattices
Light localization induced enhancement of third order nonlinearities in a GaAs photonic crystal waveguide
Light polarization in the polar regions of Jupiter
Light pollution - A status report
Light pollution generated by laser guide star at Canarian Observatories