X and Y waves in the spatiotemporal Kerr dynamics of a self-guided light beam
X- and gamma-ray N+PP+ silicon detectors with high radiation resistance
X-array aperture configuration in planar or non-planar spacecraft formation for Darwin/TPF-I candidate architectures
X-ray adaptive mirror: principle and state of the art
X-ray adaptive mirror: principle and state of the art
X-Ray and extended UV spectrometer designs based on off-plane grating mountings
X-ray and extreme ultraviolet imaging using layered synthetic microstructures.
X-ray and gamma-ray focusing and interferometry
X-ray and optical profiler analysis of electroformed X-ray optics
X-ray astronomy
X-Ray astronomy the 1980's
X-Ray Astronomy with Astro-E Introduction
X-ray astronomy with ultra-high-angular resolution
X-ray calibration of telescopes on board the ASTRO-E satellite
X-ray capillary system for hard x-ray astronomy
X-ray CCD calibration for the AXAF CCD Imaging Spectrometer
X-ray characteristics of the Italian X-Ray Astronomy Satellite (SAX) flight mirror units
X-ray characterization of an XMM mandrel at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
X-ray characterization of eROSITA mirror shells using out-of-focus images
X-ray deflector: theory, design, and applications