Division of the Energy and of the Momentum of Electromagnetic Waves in Linear Media into Electromagnetic and Material Parts
Division of the momentum of electromagnetic waves in linear media into electromagnetic and material parts
Do 'Planemos' Have Progeny?
Do Dark Faculae Exist?
Do Fresnel coefficients exist?
Do shape invariant solitons in highly nonlocal nematic liquid crystals really exist?
Do Some X-ray Stars Have White Dwarf Companions?
Do the laws of physics permit closed timelike curves?
Dobson Space Telescope-Development of an Optical Payload of the Next Generation
Does a Surface Polariton Have Spin?
Does Surface Disorder Influence Light Scattering by Small Particles?
Does your robot need a flamethrower? Automated astronomical instrumentation in Antarctica
Domain walls and vortices in linearly coupled systems
Dome design for large optical telescopes.
Don Hendrix, master Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories optician
Doped and non-doped organic light-emitting diodes based on a yellow carbazole emitter into a blue-emitting matrix
Doppler and collision-broadening effects in the profile of spectral lines
Doppler effect during motion of a source of radio waves around a planet
Doppler Effect in a Moving Medium
Doppler effects in a left-handed material: a first-principle theoretical study